After the Murdochalypse: Where now for UK Media?
at 35 Berkeley Sq, L.T. 1.08
Friday 09 December 2011 5:30pm – 7pm
The next installment of the Media Reform roadshow, co-hosted by UBU and the
Bristol Hub, invites reformers and journalists to discuss their visions for the future of the UK media.
Even before the News Corp scandal broke over the summer in spectacular fashion, uprooting years of corruption and political acquiescence, big questions were swirling around the media world about where it was heading. Were newspapers a lost cause? Was online content going to be blocked off behind paywalls? How far would the Tories go in attacking the BBC? What role would there be for social media?
With the Murdochalypse came a watershed moment in the British media and politics. Murdoch’s name was openly used in parliament – unthinkable until then – with MPs lining up to censure Murdoch whilst distancing themselves from NewsCorp.
But how far will changes to the way our media and our politics work actually go? Can the rot be stopped? Is Murdoch still too powerful to prevent meaningful change and a curbing of his influence? Will the public inquiries provide tangible results? Will this be looked back on as a lost opportunity?
All these questions and others will be up for grabs as Justin Schlosberg (Media Reform), David Crouch (deputy UK editor at the
FT) and
Epigram give their thoughts and debate with the audience.