Victory, or ‘Leveson lite’? Our experts respond
Today the prospect of a Parliamentary game of chicken over a fair and independent regulator for the press has been…..
Read more...Today the prospect of a Parliamentary game of chicken over a fair and independent regulator for the press has been…..
Read more...Today’s deal on the Leveson reforms should provide a regulator strong enough to protect the press from its own worst instincts.
Read more...Last Thursday, Cameron walked out of cross-party talks on Leveson and announced a vote on Monday on the Royal Charter…..
Read more...By Angela Phillips As four more journalists are arrested in connection with phone hacking it is worth remembering that it…..
Read more...David Cameron has crossed the Rubicon. No, we don’t mean the Rubicon of statute he spoke of back in November…..
Read more...By Mike Jempson In tabling his contentious amendments to the Defamation Bill, Lord Puttnam made clear that they were “designed…..
Read more...By Angela Phillips As cross party talks on press reform enter a critical phase, the editors are, at last, breaking…..
Read more...By David McKnight A great many books have been written about Rupert Murdoch. So why write another one? In my…..
Read more...Press gobbles up the carrots but runs away from the sticks The Defamation Bill is in danger of being lost……
Read more...Deborah Grayson is the Campaigns Coordinator for the Media Reform Coalition. She delivered the following paper at Media Policy Post-Leveson:…..
Read more...Mike Jempson, Director of MediaWise considers the latest developments in press regulation. A free (and pluralist) press is one of…..
Read more...By Benedetta Brevini 2 February 2013 For the first time since the adoption of the Charter of Fundamental rights, which…..
Read Horatio Mortimer A group of experts convened by the vice president of the European Commission, Neelie Kroes, this week…..
Read more...In his Report Lord Justice Leveson recommended statutory underpinning for a replacement to the PCC. Although the Prime Minister adamantly…..
Read more...By Carolina Are According to the Press Gazette, the Labour Party has promised to vote on the issue of statutory…..
Read more...Media Reform is committed to limits on media ownership to tackle concentrated media power in this country and to establish a foundation for more ethical news media. You may therefore be interested in a debate over the implications of the Audiovisusal Communication Services Act in Argentina, passed in 2009, which aims to diversify the airwaves and introduce tough rules on media ownership. We publish below a response by Argentine academics and activists to a recent post on the LSE Media Policy Blog which criticises the law – and its supporters – for underestimating the threat it poses to media freedom. We look forward to a debate over these issues in the UK!
Read more...Today, several members of the House of Lords voiced their support for limits on media ownership in the Lords debate on the Leveson Report. The following quotes echo many of the arguments and recommendations put forward by the Media Reform Coalition:
Read more...Mike Jempson, Director of The MediaWise Trust, looks at the prospects of a revamped PCC and asks ‘where is the public in this debate’?
Read more...As with the banking system, Des Freedman argues that Britain needs to shake up the way its media works as…..
Read more...Question: when is statutory underpinning not statutory? Answer: when it is proposed by Oliver Letwin. As the Government tie themselves…..
Read more...Media Reform welcomes Hacked Off’s statement that the government’s proposals for a Royal Charter to guide independent press regulation are…..