Green Party deputy leader promises manifesto commitment on media ownership reform
Amelia Womack, deputy leader of the Green Party in England and Wales was a speaker at the parliamentary launch of…..
Read more...Amelia Womack, deputy leader of the Green Party in England and Wales was a speaker at the parliamentary launch of…..
Read more...The Media Reform Coalition, together with the Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom, have just published their ‘Manifesto for Media…..
Read more...Letter to the Guardian, 4 March 2015 If democracy is to flourish, we will need diverse and independent voices in the…..
Read Angela Phillips When Peter Oborne resigned from the Telegraph earlier this week, his parting outpouring of rage at the…..
Read Candace Clement and Matt Wood FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler has confirmed that he will base new Net Neutrality rules on Title…..
Read Angela Phillips Hannah Weller, wife of musician Paul Weller, is campaigning to make it illegal for the media to…..
Read more...Media Reform wishes you a very happy new year – a year that will be marked by more misreporting, more…..
Read more...By Angela Phillips When the News of the World newspaper closed in 2011, in the wake of the phone hacking…..
Read Charles Brown It is reassuring when you see a great campaigning newspaper like the Sun, renowned for its…..
Read more...You are warmly invited to a meeting in Parliament on Monday 1 December 6.30pm-8pm in Committee Room 10, Houses of…..
Read Norman Solomon Each in its own way, the British and U.S. governments are assaulting freedom of the press. On one…..
Read more...As FOI requests for detail on meetings between the Cabinet Secretary and the press are turned down, MRC asks: Two years after the Leveson Inquiry, why are the UK government’s dealings with the media still shrouded in secrecy?
Read more...By Angela Phillips For the first time since the start of the hacking enquiries, the British Press is speaking with…..
Read more...Green Party conference today (7 September 2014) supported a call for far tighter restrictions on the concentration of print and…..
Read Jon Danzig The Press Complaints Commission has ruled that the Daily Mail breached The Editors’ Code on…..
Read Jon Danzig A recent Daily Express front page headline screamed, ‘Fury over Britain’s 2m illegal migrants’. Yet, on closer scrutiny, the…..
Read Des Freedman Those HR people in the Culture Department are a hard-nosed bunch. Instead of letting civil servants working…..
Read Justin Schlosberg As the latest Israeli bombardment of Gaza intensifies, so do accusations of media bias from both sides…..
Read Justin Schlosberg Rupert Murdoch’s latest bid for empire expansion has fallen on deaf ears. His offer to buy Time Warner for…..
Read more...How are migrants and ethnic minorities represented in the media? What role does the media play in the immigration debate? Join…..
Read Des Freedman When asked what he thought of western civilisation, the Indian independence leader Mahatma Gandhi replied that ‘I…..