As thousands of people calling for an alternative to cuts, inequality, racism and war gather to protest at the Tory Party Conference, all eyes will be on Manchester this October.
But who frames the image and who sets the terms of debate? We know which side the big media corporations are on. That’s why we’re creating our very own live studio and media hub.
The People’s Assembly has teamed up with Real Media, the Media Reform Coalition and Reclaim the Power to organise a physical space equipped with cameras, audio recorders, laptops etc where people can meet and tell their story.
The space will be a hub for bloggers, filmmakers, writers, editors, media activists and campaigners, where anyone interested in shaping the media message can network and produce with organisational support on hand.
Our aim is both to deconstruct the pro-austerity coverage, and to facilitate alternative media. Alongside live-streamed interviews, filmmakers editing protest footage, and writers pumping out blog posts, there’ll be students, academics and campaigners pouring over the headlines and hosting Q&As on media democracy.
Read Tim Gopsill’s press review for 5 October
Read Alistair Cartwright’s press review for 4 October
For more details on the People’s Media Hub, click